Under current Texas law, the Family Code requires that the non-custodial parent pay child support to the custodial parent.   It is presumed to be in the best interest of the child that the obligor (parent responsible for paying support) pay child support in an amount determined by the guidelines set under Chapter 154 of the Texas Family Code.  Click here for more information about the child support guidelines.
Medical Support
The Code also requires that the court order a parent to provide medical coverage at a reasonable cost for the child (Tex. Fam. Code 154.181).  The cost of the medical insurance premium for the child, among other things, are deducted from the obligor’s gross monthly to compute a net monthly income of which the guidelines are applied.  The Code defines “reasonable cost” as no more than nine percent of the obligor’s annual income.
Dental Support
Effective September 1, 2018, courts will begin ordering the obligor to cover dental insurance at a reasonable cost for children as well.  The cost of dental premiums will also be deducted from the obligor’s gross monthly resources to compute child support. The Code defines “reasonable cost” for dental coverage as no more than 1.5 percent of an obligor’s annual resources.  In short, the obligor will now pay medical support and dental support in addition to child support beginning next year.
If you are facing the possibility of paying support, contact your Houston Divorce lawyer at The Rudisel Law Firm, P.C.  We can calculate your potential support amount or review a support order put in place previously.


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